In addition to the United States of America, Praemium Praemium ACE Foods operations are centered in three other countries: India, Sierra Leone and Rwanda. Our top priority is that our inspected products – rice, wheat and dried mango – come straight from the field to the consumer without delay.
India Operations
In India, the Operations team applies American business practices while respecting the age-old farming culture in “the breadbasket of India.” We manage the welfare of the workers, care and stewarding of the land, the planting of crops, the quality assurance process, the harvest, packaging and packing, container loading, and delivery to the market.
All incoming orders are processed by the India team. They’re also responsible for post-harvest sorting and quality assurance, as well as the supervision of independent lab analysis during processing and packaging. Our branded packaging is designed and produced here. If you have a need for digital marketing services, we supply that as well.
Prior to shipment, our products are inspected by independent international inspection companies. Supply chain management is conducted in-house. The team supervises container loading, and manages both overland and sea transportation.

Sierra Leone Operations
The Sierra Leone team manages customs clearances for all Praemium Praemium ACE Foods products, resulting in significant savings for our customers. Under their experienced leadership, Praemium ACE Foods steers clear of “red tape” and lost or misplaced documents.
Sierra Leone has an Anti-Corruption Commission which ensures that no corruption takes place to hinder a smooth clearance of goods, especially the most important import to Sierra Leone, rice.
Rwanda Operations
The Rwanda team provides local support to buyers in Rwanda and Francophone African countries – from order placement to delivery.
They coordinate incoming orders with the India team, and manage the supply process to deliver rice shipments to wholesale rice buyers. At the customer’s request, the team repackages rice to suit the requirements of retailers and wholesalers.